Screening for prostate cancer ages, We Just Won a Skirmish in the War on Cancer

The recommendations called on all EU countries to take a common action to implement national, population-based screening pro­grams for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer, as an in­te­gral part of the Community Agreement duties in or­der to complete the national policies, with the aim to im­prove the public health. InRomania declared a 0. Re­gar­ding cervical cancer screening, the coverage rate is 9. The technical support offered to the mem­ber states could contribute to the increase of screening rates, while guides and structural support could contribute to assuring a comparably high health system quality in all Europe.

Al doilea raport de im­ple­men­tare a recomandărilor Consiliului European pri­vind scree­nin­gul pentru cancer a fost elaborat şi publicat în anulcu participarea a 28 de state membre.

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Într-un ra­port ul­te­rior privind stadiul implementării recomandării Con­si­liu­lui Eu­ro­pean, România figurează printre puținele state mem­bre ale UE care nu au încă programe populaționale de scre­e­ning organizat pentru cancerele de sân și colorectal.

Obiectivul general al pla­nu­lui UE de combatere screening for prostate cancer ages cancerului este reprezentat de îm­bu­nă­tă­ţi­rea pre­ve­nirii, depistării, tratamentului şi gestionării can­ce­ru­lui în UE, screening for prostate cancer ages inegalităţile de sănătate între şi în in­te­rio­rul sta­te­lor membre. Sprijinul tehnic acordat statelor mem­bre ar putea contribui la creşterea ratelor de screening, în timp ce ghidurile şi suportul structural pot contribui la asi­gu­ra­rea unui nivel similar ridicat de calitate în toată Europa.

Cuvinte cheie screening cancer recomandările Uniunii Europene cancer cervical cancer mamar cancer colorectal Cancer remains one of the main death causes in the European Union EU and in the entire world. Although cancer is determined by a combination of different factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental mirosuri cu prostatita, lifestyle and infectious agents, avoiding the known risks and adopting a healthy lifestyle could highly decrease the risk of developing a neoplasia.

Cancer de prostată

Therefore, prevention is the simplest and the most efficient manner to reduce cancer in the EU. Cancer screening can proctolog și prostatita achieved using two lumânări de cătină recenzii pentru prostatita Population-based screening programs, with screening invitation systematically addressed by the public authorities to one certain segment of the population defined as target, by releasing a political and public document which stipulates the key methods of screening examination.

Since then, the member states of the EU initiated a series of actions and made a commitment, in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Indice tumoral prostata, to reduce the premature mortality due to chronic diseases, including cancer, with a third until According to the EU estimates fromout of 1, new cases of cancer, 1. The screening permits cancer detection in a screening for prostate cancer ages stage or in premature invasive stages, so that lesions can be adequately treated, increasing the curability chance.

The most important indicator of the screening performance is represented by the decrease of the pathology-specific mortality index; in the case of cervical cancer, identifying precursor lesions induces the reduction of cervical cancer incidence, which makes this parameter an extremely helpful indicator.

In order to ensure proper organization and quality control, the member states should allocate adequate human and financial resources, while ensuring equal, equitable access to screening, taking into account the special needs of particular socioeconomic groups included in the target population.

The screening methods that fulfilled the criteria recommended by the European Council in were: PAP cytological examination for cervical cancer precursor lesions screening, the screening beginning at 20 years of age, but not later than the age of 30; mammographic screening for breast cancer, offered to women aged 50 to 69 years old, in accordance with the European guidelines regarding the quality assurance in mammography; the evaluation of fecal occult blood test as a screening method for colorectal cancer in men and in women aged 50 to 74 years old.

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The recommendations of the European Council provide for the use of these screening methods only in the context of organized population, national or regional programs, ensuring quality at all levels, assuring information regarding the benefits and risks, suitable resources for screening, monitoring with complementary screening for prostate cancer ages procedures, psychological retentie urinara dex and treatment availability of individuals with positive screening tests.

The resulting data must be collected and evaluated until the final diagnosis; data storage and management are recommended to adhere to the standards defined by the European Network of Cancer Registries, and the screening programs control should be performed at an appropriate time interval. The introduction of new screening tests can be done only after their evaluation in randomized controlled trials in order to prove the benefits of the new method on specific screening parameters, on mortality, in the context of consecutive therapeutic procedures, clinical results, side effects, morbidity, quality of life and, last but not least, on the basis of cost-effectiveness 1.

In the policy documents developed in this joint action, a special attention was paid to cancer screening programs, highlighting the significant impact that these screening programs had on health indicators, especially on reducing the cancer incidence and mortality.

The EPAAC joint action was followed by the CANcer CONtrol joint action CANCONwhich was finalized in February with the publication of a European Guide to Cancer Plans and a set of health policies which continue to support the organization of population-based screening for prostate cancer ages programs for the three tumor sites, which must be implemented in accordance with the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the screening programs, which define the organization and implementation planning, so that these programs provide maximum benefits and minimum risks.

The second report on the implementation of the European Council Recommendations on cancer screening was elaborated and published inwith the participation of 28 member states 3. The cancer screening programs implementation in EU member states represents the most comprehensive prevention action in order to reduce breast, cervical and colorectal cancer mortality, as well as reducing the incidence of cervical and colorectal diseases.

The report identifies the implementation extend and also an essential series of indicators that must be continuously monitored to ensure improved screening quality, which are especially useful to gradually expand the program coverage and to provide a basis screening for prostate cancer ages enhancing screening effectiveness in the EU.

Data quality can screening for prostate cancer ages improved by introducing potent health information systems capable to associate screening programs to the existing cancer and mortality registries 3. The European Committee has funded and supported the development of European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in scientific evidence-based cervical, breast and colorectal cancer screening.

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These guidelines are constantly reviewed and updated, incorporating all existing scientific documentation. The European Commission has also created the European Breast Cancer Initiative and the European Colorectal Cancer Initiative, groups of experts whose role is to provide recommendations and guidance on quality assurance services for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of breast and colorectal cancer.

Romania has been completely deficient in nationally organized cancer screening programs untilwhen, after a regionally conducted pilot program in the Northwest region, the national program for the early active detection of cervical cancer was initiated, using Babeş-Papanicolaou testing in screening regime financed from the Ministry of Health budget.

This guide represents one of the testing strategies and includes screening programs recommended by the Oncology Commission of the Health Ministry; it has been developed inas a specific chapter on secondary prevention from the National Cancer Control Plan.

The coordination of an organized breast cancer screening program was piloted in the North-West region, within a project funded by the financial mechanism Norway-EEA, but the results were not recovered and developed into an extending screening for prostate cancer ages.

Regarding breast cancer, for the analyzed periodin the target population, consisting in approximately 1. This 0.

We Just Won a Skirmish in the War on Cancer

Of the same number of women representing the target population,women were effectively included in the screening and examined, respectively 9. By summarizing the presented data, the screening participation rate was Romania declares a mammographic examination coverage rate of 0. Regarding cervical cancer screening, the examination coverage has a 9. Reducing the cancer burden in the population by detecting the early stages of the disease and reducing the medium-term or long-term specific mortality through organized screening interventions Objective 3.

National health programs include certain approaches to the cervical cancer primary and secondary prevention. The cervical cancer screening subprogram is monitored by technical assistance units TAUMwith territorial division, according to Table 1.

Prevenirea cancerului prin intermediul unor programe de screening

The budget allocated to the National Program is presented in Table 2. Each of these two projects has a phase 2, which is in the evaluation stage, as follows: a For cervical cancer screening — it is intended to select and fund four projects, covering the regions North-West, Center, South Muntenia and North-East.

The program offers Babeş-Papanicolaou testing for women aged years old and HPV testing for women aged and, if positive, cytological triage for women agedrespectively HPV testing for women aged and for uninsured women, early diagnosis and treatment of dysplastic lesions.

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The presence of strategic and operational interventions for the three pathologies is summarized in Table 3.

The early detection of breast cancer is not included among the screening programs, there is only a national program supported by the National Health Insurance System, including breast reconstruction after surgery. The Activity Report of the Ministry of Health for last available declares that, during this year,HPV vaccinations were performed on at-risk population group girls aged years old.

Regarding the screening of cervical cancer, the same report of the Ministry of Health states that the screening subprogram in operated with 75 networks, which have performed tests according to Table 4.

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The incidence of screening for prostate cancer ages two types of pathologies in is presented in Table 5. The standardized mortality for the two pathologies in Romania compared to the European Union is represented screening for prostate cancer ages Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1.

The good news is that scientists are still working on improving our odds by finding new ways to expand the scope and accuracy of early testing.

Standardized breast cancer mortality. Romania versus European Union 28,