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Screening for prostate cancer age limit


    screening for prostate cancer age limit

    The latest news in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Introduction of prostatic specific antigen PSA as a method of screening, inchanged radically the epidemiology of CP by progressive increase in the number of cases of CP diagnosed in "early stages".

    Burghele", the incidence of CP compared to other cancers places it in second place after bladder cancer and before renal malignant tumors.

    screening for prostate cancer age limit

    The principal means of diagnosis of CP are: rectal examination, the level of prostatic specific antigen seric, transrectal echography and prostate biopsy.

    Introducerea antigenului prostatic specifi c P. Burghele" incidenţa CP, comparativ cu alte localizări neoplazice urinare, îl plasează pe locul al doilea după cancerul cefuroxima prostatitis urinare şi înaintea tumorilor renale maligne.

    Principalele mijloace de diagnostic ale CP sunt: tuşeul rectal, determinarea nivelului seric al antigenului specifi c prostatic, ecografi a transrectală şi puncţia prostatică multiplă, ecoghidată transrectal. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

    screening for prostate cancer age limit

    This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.

    screening for prostate cancer age limit

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